November 19, 2011

Food Coma

Yesterday, Friday and the beginning of the weekend. I went to Xīngbakè (also known as Starbucks. Many loan words from English are directly translated to Chinese characters with similar tones such as cheese and chocolate.) to try out their praised coffee and had an iced café latte. I haven't had a coffee for months and I felt a small caffein kick. Here people nearly live at the cafés, besides chat, read and study some even take a nap. Me myself sat and composed a letter in Chinese. It was Christmas songs in the background and the café was decorated with Christmas decoration, it would have been really cozy if I did not look out and saw the greyish sky and the rain pouring down and people hurriedly passed by (some wearing flipflops). I almost finished the writing before I went to meet up with S and L to have a dinner.

We went to several restaurants at Shida but they were full. The good thing is that there are so many restaurants here so we finally went to a noodle place. The noodles are freshly handmade with a special technique. The noodle maker holds the dough and slices off bites with a knife into boiling water.

I had the restaurants specialty which was noodles with soup and three sorts of meat. Or it was actually meat and intenstines from cow and I must say that intenstines are not my cup of tea. I liked the flavor and noodles were ok. I prefer thin noodles. I've tried so many kinds of noodles so I feel like a noodle master now. The funny thing is that we discussed noodle preferences. Haha.

Last but not least, I had a cranberry pie which was heavenly good (swenglish?!) with crispy crust, cream cheese, cranberry sauce and macadamia nuts. (No, I don't have dessert everyday even if it sometimes may seem like that...)

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