June 26, 2011


When I talk to friends from the university I often refer "home" as Linköping that is the city where I study and "home-home" is my hometown. However, in a deeper perspective what is the definition of "home"? Is it where your family lives, or a place where you stay for a longer period of time, or somewhere you know all the names of the streets?

I would say that home is where you feel safe and a place you always can return to with joy. Home is also connected to many special memories and people I care about. Today I biked along the beautifully glistening lake Vättern in my hometown which aroused strong home-feelings for beloved this place.

June 25, 2011


Midsummer is a typical Swedish tradition with a mysterious background and is celebrated with somewhat weird rituals. Dancing and pretend to be a frog around a giant pole dressed with flowers that symbolizes a phallos, eating early potatoes with slimy herring, and in addition to this, stubbornly defy the rain that tends to fall. Yes, it's a tradition.

So. Midsummer anno 2011 was great, which included good friends, lots of early potatoes and "sill" and strawberries with vanilla ice cream and barbeque. We danced till the sun went down and after some more whirls and twists and "bugg" (a Swedish dance style) the sun all of a sudden rised again and there seemed to be no end of the day. Song of the day: Dancing under influence

June 21, 2011


Yesterday, I bought a pink travelling-bag (yes, I said a pink one to distinguish from the common black and grey bags. How pragmatic one can be). Now I can begin to pack my things to Taiwan. The weight limit for the luggage is 20 kg and I think it's gonna be a fight between minimalism and vanity.

June 19, 2011

Swedish Summer

It's been raining all day long and my plan to play golf was utterly changed into baking tasty mazarines, dinner at my grandma's place and now movie night.

June 15, 2011

Queue Music

When I called the insurance company a few days ago I was put in a queue. And it is a little friction between me and my relation to waiting as I get so antsy. On top of this, they played some weird music with bad sound quality. If I could choose I would prefer to wait (and perhaps play air saxphone) to this one:

June 13, 2011

Friends, Family, Foes.

Today, I heard about a man on the radio that is inable to recognize faces (listen here in Swedish). First it may seem funny as there are lots of people that cannot remember names, but after a while one realizes that this must be a huge distress in everyday life. For example, this man couldn't even recognize his sister. The scientific name for this disease is Prosopagnosia and is related to the brain area called fusiform gyrus according to Wikipedia. Very interesting.

And talking about people and recognition. People changes. I know that, me myself change continously with or without consciousness. To wear make-up was a big no no for just two years ago, but now I even own a mascara! And I thought only big tough guys went to the gym and worked out in front of the mirrors also known as "disco builders" (which is partly true). Howbeit, I'm one of these gym folks nowadays (though I'm neither big nor a guy). But still I sometimes become surprised when people turn into a different persons over time, both physically and in manner. This is nothing negative, this just suggest how powerful one's memory is and luckily enough- that humans are not static.


Yesterday, my friend S asked me what I'll missed the most from Sweden when I'm away and without thinking too much I said Swedish "lösviktsgodis" which is pick candy. Especially I'll miss the salty liquorice skulls. But I've heard that there's a wide variety of food in Taiwan so I'm not worry. But most of all, I'll miss my family and friends and all those things that I'm used too like being understood and all the familiar streets. However, to be a little confused is also the charm when coming to a new place.

salta skallar

June 11, 2011

Summer Language Programme

As I have mentioned, I'll learn Mandarin in Taiwan and first take a summer course and then a intensive course during the fall. Yesterday I got the schedule for the summer course and it seems great (except for classes on Saturdays)! Beside classes in speaking, listening and writing there will be many culture activities and small trips.

June 9, 2011

What, When, Who and Why?

Why care about what's history when the present is way more interesting?

June 7, 2011

Anywhere, anytime, anyday...

Hi-low by Theresa Andersson. This song brings me to a sunset in Hawaii.

June 6, 2011


Today, a small bicycle trip with my two younger cousins to say hello to the cows and calfs and fika under a tree with pale yellow blossom that swirled around.

How cows deal with eye-itch...

June 5, 2011

A New Era...

... is here. Sounds dramatic, doesn't it?

I can barely believe that I have ended my third year at the university, time really flies by. And I have to admit that it has been a tough year from time to time. For example, I've been struggling with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in quantum physics, laborated with antibodies and modeling of the insulin pathway with scientific research purpose. In retrospect this feels very cool. Though, I must say to be a student is not all about study. I've had so much fun during this time such as going on concerts from classical to electronic, met nice people, participated in Bioteknikdagarna at Chalmers in Gothenburg, had a blast on parties, taken classes in house dance and been a dodgeball leader.

Despite the fact that I enjoy the university life at Linköping University I look for new challenges. I will now take one year off and to learn Chinese in Taiwan for a half year. It's gonna be awesome! Now is the most exciting time as I'm not sure what to expect. Just wait and see...


If I were a computer it would scream "data in process, please do not interrupt". The experience of the full spectra of emotions this week has somewhat resulted in dullness. But finally I see the light in the end of the tunnel and for all must-do:s (which the sun pictures brilliantly). Two exams finished , lots of ice cream and farewells to my friends and classmates may summarize what I've been up to.

Vemod. This beautiful small word would describe my mood state best right now. It's Swedish and the closest translation in English is melancholy. The feeling that arise when saying goodbye to friends, not really knowing when you'll meet again and at the same time the warmness in the heart because they are special. Happy sadness.

June 2, 2011


It's summer. I'm happy.