Today, I went to Shilin to Kou Yuan Yee Culture Museum of Bakery and Pastry to bake pineapple cake. Pineapple cake is a typical Taiwanese pastry and I choose to go today so I can bring the cakes back home as a gift. Unfortunately, I signed up by myself and got into a class with around seven years old children that were very good at screaming. S who has been here before with her chinese class made the dough by herself but I just got ready made dough which was a disappointment 'cause I want to do everything from scratch. Anyways, it was quite fun and when the cakes were put in oven we went to the museum which had an exhibition about Chinese traditional wedding. In Chinese weddings cake is a must.
The dough in the front and the pineapple filling in the back. The only thing one has to do is to wrap the filling in the dough, not very advanced.
There were several different of figures but I just wanted rectangular shaped.
The result! I haven't tried them yet, but I hope they're good.
After the baking I went back home to Shida to have lunch.
Ma Po tofu with rice Donburi.
In the evening I had dinner with Linda and Syaorie at a noodle place and rounded up with some fika because I'm leaving tomorrow. Very nice, indeed!
Chocolate mousse cake, strawberry tarte and banana mousse crumble cake.
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