Here one can buy water with pH 9.0 in the convinence stores. At first it seemed strange, I've never seen it before I came to Taiwan, but I haven't done research about it until today. So the question is: What health benefits are there to drink water with pH 9?
It turned out that there are several reasons why there is a market for alkaline water i.e water with slightly higher pH than the neutral pH 7. According to ION vatten (a company that sells alkaline water, I'm aware that it is a biased source but I find their theoretical background biologically reasonable) water with higher pH acts as an antioxidant to free radicals and therefore aids the body cells to neutralize the acids. The acids in the body come from external sources like food and drinks also from internal sources like waste products from cell metabolism. A very acid environment is harmful for the cells and cause them to age and be destroyed. Antioxidants can be found naturally in food from for example pecan nuts, blueberry and plum. However water accesses the cells more easily compared to antioxidants in solid form because water does not need to breakdown before it gets into the blood circulation.
I can go on forever since I think this is very interesting and highly related to my engineering studies in technical biology. The ionized water involves biology at cell and molecular level, health, lifestyle and also some technique (how do they produce the ionized water?). It is already known that free radicals may be the cause of cancer and antioxidants protect the cells from free radicals attack. This might be the subject of my examination thesis (it's only one and a half year left till I have to decide what the thesis will discuss).
I've tried one bottle before, it tastes like normal water but is more expensive.
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