October 11, 2011

Everybody Wants To Be Snow White

Taiwanese girls and women (or I should say Asians in general) are obsessed of the idea of having white skin. There are so many products to protect from the UV light. For example, people use umbrella when it's sunny, big sunhats, facemask (that looks like a ninja mask), arm covers, sunglasses. There are even shops that sell umbrellas only. And some people were everything above mentioned and it looks... funny (I want to publish a picture but since it's a question of integrity I choose not to do that).


I understand that people don't want to get skin cancer, but why then not wear a thin shirt instead of several pieces. Moreover, one can find different creams which suppose to have whitening effect. I don't know have well they work.

Injection of whitening concentrate can be found in cosmetic shops.

It's strange that the ideal is like in Europe for about a century ago. Though I think the reasons differ, the Europeans used to regard pale people as a sign of wealthness. I think in Asia now is more about beauty than about economic status. And the ideal is at the point of absurdum.

A cream to whiten the nipples. The question that immediately pops up in my head is: How is the market is for this product?

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