October 26, 2011

Drowning is not far from a "Långsamt farväl"...

Just out of nowhere, it just popped up in my head that the melody are so alike in "Drowning" by Backstreet boys (oh, so many intermediary-school-disco-flashbacks!) and the Swedish song "Långsamt farväl" (in english: lingering farewell). Well, one can say the message is the same in both songs as well.

This evening I'll do my homework and listen to dear Backstreet Boys and remember the golden 90s. It's crazy that I still now their lyrics by heart. It's something special to grow up in the 90s- in the somewhere between the small world and the World Wide Web. To be a part of the generation with Spice Girls belly shirts and tamagotchi. and later change from dolls to computer. From CD to MP3. And begin to eat the tasty thing with the funny name Tacos. All along to the Harry Potter books. I wonder, how does this environment shape us as individuals?

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