September 26, 2011

1st December

Ok, I cannot deny that the last week I have become more and more homesick. Suddenly it feels like it's super long until 1st of December, the day I'll return home. The skype date yesterday with my family was the highlight of the week. Just to hear all the familiar voices, see everybody on the other side of earth through the webcam, the chat in itself does not really matter. I hope and think this is just something temporarily. Now I'll take the MRT to house dance and try to think of something else.


  1. det är nog inte så konstigt att du har mer hemlängtan nu när Taiwan blivit vardag. tiden fram till 1 december kommer flyga förbi, jag lovar.

  2. Tack vännen, det känns som du förstår exakt vad jag menar.
